October 7, 2020

Un-Un-Cat links to episodes in order

 Un-Un-Cat stands for Unedited-Unapologetic-Catharsis.

Until I reach the end of the story, revise and edit the working draft, whittle it down from Un-Un-Cat to Un-Cat, -- all 2019 and 2020 episodes as-is are free to read. I.e. they are NOT behind the Medium pay-wall, yet except for one episode 9. tl;dr (too long; didn't read). Behind the Medium paywall since June 2020.

Why I am writing this climate change fiction prototyping political parody is what is most important at this time. 

Here are the links to the story episodes posted so far.

Episode 1. Not a chicken, Not an egg.

Episode 2, 'Hello, World' (live long and prosper)

Episode 3. The House That Uncle Jack Built 

Episode 4. Nothing to fear, food, and point of view

Episode 5. Lonely Dog from a galaxy far, far away learns how to make friends on the internet. 

Episode 6. — Dog never gives up hope for his people to one day become friends with the people of Earth.

Episode 7. Dog's Point Of View on How to Save the World. 

Episode 8. -- Farewell

Episode 9. tl;dr (too long; didn't read). Behind the Medium paywall since June 2020.

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 11. Cat's Don't Understand Bad-guys.

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 12.-- Cat's don't understand romance. 

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 13. -- Ask The People What They Want

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 14.--Wake Up America! The Millennials are coming!! The Millennials are coming!!!

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 15. -- How a Cat became the HUMAN candidate.

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 16. -- Home is where the heart is.

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 19. -- Poetic Justice a.k.a. Level Orange Catharsis. 

Un-un-Cat, Episode 21. -- The White House Lawn.

Un-Un-Cat, Episode 22. -- Freedom and Integrity in Journalism.

While I know there are no excuses in this life, I have been asked by friends and family to give myself a break. In 2019 and 2020 I went through round three of cancer treatments and surgeries. It's just taking a little while longer for me to mentally bounce back to where I was in 2017 when I started the first draft of this project. The pathology report from 2020, unlike 2019, was good news, officially I'm cancer-free, just got a couple new holes in me and a few more scars for my "collection". In 2021 post treatment side-effects were so bad I thought I might have a brain tumor. MRI results from the last week in Sept, 2021 say all clear, as far as it can see, I'm losing my mind the old fashioned way.  

From April 4th, 2020 (the date the last episode was posted) till now-ish 2021. I've re-drafted and revised the next episode three times. Then couldn't convince myself to continue. An explanation for the long intermission will be posted when I get there, sorry for the delay.

Thanks for reading, ☮+💚🌎 Uva Be