When the automobile was invented four engineers spread thousands of miles apart without any connection to each other designed a vehicle at the same time.
The real reason why Net Neutrality was voted down, past the obvious "money" and "power" is because many, many people spread across the world are sharing ideas. We the people of the world, not just the "police" of the world, the USA, but, we billions together are unstoppable. Instead of war, this time, the revolution could be passive and this ideal of a Star Treck like global economy with copy-left environmental patent sharing. "They" could lose control and we, the meek could rule the world. I am praying to a force without limitations and definition for our thousand years of world peace "they" can never profit from. I am praying for global economic leveling and a digital renaissance. For the hands working creative jobs robots can never do. For an end to the "new" racism of physical characteristic discrimination. For a planet saved from worthless greed by a selfless environmental shift of global consciousness. A megalomaniacal daydream for good.
☮ + 💚 Be
Thoughts in the air and why "they" voted down Net Neutrality. |

Here's to all the voices of the "little" people on the interwebs.
☮ + 💚 + www + ∞
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