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Doodle for January 16, 2018. |
Recurring daydream -- Yep, this is a biofuel system, like LooWatt only with additional passive and renewable energy modules working together. Seems like a fair joke to admit that this could be the 'cold fusion' humanity has been searching for, for decades now, but, it's been coming out of our asses the entire time.
Recurring daydream as in a lot, here's a paragraph copy and pasted from a list of 50 ways to 'save the world' that got written into my November 2017 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).
1. Green housing & building , experimental engineering and design neighborhoods in every state & climate region in the US - working with colleges, community colleges & trade schools, to build & test prototypes, promote fair competition of best designs, keep zoning laws and building codes up to speed on the safest most efficient local designs, train and certify trades people in how to best install and construct everything ( smart micro-grids, energy storage, gray water systems, passive solar window boxes etc..) and get the best ideas into the market and to the people most efficiently.
So there's the idea, and here's why it isn't happening... Well besides the obvious reason. Money. I.e. passive energy doesn't make big energy money.
If I had a shit ton of money, I'd have a company that designed systems for small houses. I looked for our house, multiple times for more than one place we lived over the years. So far, I've only found estate sized systems on the market and even those were in parts. The solar tubes sold separately from the tank system etc...
A passive energy revolution would create a lot of jobs. It's also so expensive to design and maintain custom systems, very few are able to do it.
The garbage industry plus septic engineering job isn't something many people want to spend their lives "processing". Picking up tanks of effluent and bins of byproducts, checking filters and catalytic converters, not glorious work unless you have an 'unsung hero' complex.
Also, gas lines, tanks, and energy generating systems require space that is separate from living space, both to maintain air quality in the living spaces and for a contained blast wall for normal combustion chambers and accidents.
Onwards ☮ + 💚
P.s. I ended this on a low note because this is 'expulsion of the fool' - not a How-To blog. If you have a company making any part of this passive/renewable energy system for small homes, in the US, I'd love to hear from you. Even just a tweet at @Uva_Be would be super.
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Doodle for January 17, 2018. |
I can not even convince some of my most beloved friends to stop buying plastic bottles. This is either my third or fourth blog post on the topic of throwaway beverage containers and I confess to complete environmental duh-fatigue, so I'm just tacking BYOM onto the blog post from yesterday.
2. BYOM (Bring your own mug) water bottle or thermos.
Instead of a soda machine, a small commuter cafe would be nice. Or even a corner store with a hand washing sink or a small beverage container cleaning station and a rack of new beverage containers beside soda fountains, juice bars, coffee stations etc… Not only to stop the obvious pile of use once and throw away beverage containers but stop the fuel used to transport water.
Water is heavy at a pint per pound, for miles and miles, to then be stored in plastic bottles in large glass door refrigerators running 24/7.
How is our use-once throw-away plastic-culture not the very definition of social insanity?
Just google BYOM or plastic trash or plastic gyers in every ocean on planet earth!
Okay as for a solution to bad water. The most affordable house or small business sized water filters are those sold for commercial ice machines.
Also, there are some nice counter top models. I know, nothing worthwhile is cheap, and it takes a little effort on your part. To make your own damn cup of filtered water or tea/coffee. But, please people, for you and me and all the fishes in the sea. BYOM is a good place to start making a difference.
P.s. I feel really bad, guilty even for the increasing number of communities who have water poisoned by fracking or lead and other chemicals. I write this, in the hopes that good water filter systems and cup washing stations will be installed in all schools and neighborhood markets, especially those with contaminated water.
BYOM this is about plastic trash and if you have good water at home or work please appreciate it. Thanks
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Jan. 20, 2018 |
We are the wall, today's #doodle (really more of a scribble :) #drawfool inspired by Jan. 20, 2018 Woman's march and Brick x Brick performance art/protest a human wall CA to VT to end misogyny. I wonder how many million were out there worldwide today? Sea to sea, Canada and UK as well.
The news feed got me down, but an image search, Twitter and YouTube show you can't hide the truth. Check out the reTweets from marches all over the world if you need some cheering up. https://twitter.com/Uva_Be (P.s. there are a ton of photos there today, I don't know what will be in the tweet stream tomorrow, it's twitter. :D
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