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#drawfool Feb. 16, 2018. |
These are the types of ponderings the blue kitty of doom is all about. Kitty knows everything is not fine. Kitty is judging you all. Doom, doom, doom, relentless purrs it's fuzzy blue heart. No questions = no answers. No conflict = no story. No contrast = no art. A soft blue-gray hum, droning on and on, like a mysterious machine noise, electric-metallic-whirring in-the-background, slowly driving you batty.

So, to that end, I keep going. Weighing-in with the collective digital consciousness of the information age, one more vote to save-the-world survival of our planet valued over profit for the few.
Daydream number 18/50. Modernize our entire cargo transportation system. US transportation infrastructure is in dire need of a complete upgrade away from crude oil.
Daydream 9. Has to do with roads. Daydream 8 parking lots. This daydream is focussed on hauling goods and people long distances. US railroads with fast-rail or “tubes” to replace commuter jets, and safer more efficient tracks and rail systems for cargo trains to meet up with teamsters and drivers of local hauling trucks and public transit vehicles. Why have people involved in this work? I believe we will always need ears and eyes on the ground to keep the machines running especially where the goods and people meet.
Yep, I know I'm not doodling trucks and trains. Why? I can't stand them. Truck brakes and trains honking and screeching in the night, always wake me up. Always, I seem to never get used to them, I just don't sleep well when those things are running nearby. That's the other reason I want our transportation system upgraded. I imagine it might be quieter for residential areas.
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Doodle/#drawfool for 2/14/2018. |
The next daydream on my list, number 17/50, about how-to-save-the-world -- sustainable harvesting of fish and shellfish in tandem with habitat restoration.
There are lists of what seafood is best to eat, what is endangered and what kind of fish are most toxic, i.e. if you are a cancer survivor, or pregnant. Once again, I'm a moderate, but many folks would mistake me for a liberal. I want very much to clean up the oceans, rivers, and streams. Restore and protect habitat. This is happening here and there, but... it's a problem as big as our Earth's oceans. Water and all the creatures that thrive in water, fresh or salty need our help and we need them.
One way to do this is with careful management of fish runs, and shellfish farms, and this is happening, in some places. While we give nature a break we eat other seafood farmed in isolated tanks, but not salmon or species that can or want to escape. I don't assume we can raise a school of giant tuna in any tank. We have to eat the species that don't mind being raised in a pond or tank kept far away from mixing with rivers or oceans. Why not have canned tilapia replace canned tuna? No, it doesn't taste the same. It's probably better prepared with salsa instead of pickles and mayonnaise. Also, we can learn to eat problem species for a while, until they become less of a problem and restore whatever ecosystem they were chewing their way through. I say this, knowing it's complicated. Fish are perishable, I don't think tilapia sushi or catfish sushi is a good idea at all. So if you are going to market something, you need a good distribution plan. And to top it all the Earths oceans are rising and we have a trash plastic problem. With the ratio of fish decreasing and the ratio of plastic in the ocean increasing. ... big sigh. Okay, this isn't a lecture by a Ph.D. in marine biology you are reading here, this is 'expulsion-of-the-fool'. I enjoy seafood, and would love to see native trout, rockfish, and other populations of everything that lives in our plant's water from frogs to catfish thrive. Therefore I daydream about how to save these creatures, and I assume I am one of many millions of people sharing very similar daydreams. It's Valentine's day, the fish is a metaphor symbol of the soul, not the heart, but -- from one heart and soul to the many daydreamers out there. Happy Valentine's day.
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#drawfool #doodle for Feb. 13, 2018. |
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hunting robot inspired by these |
Yeah, I know, this is a terrible daydream that could go wrong in so many ways, I wasn't going to keep going down my list. But, then I drempt up some hunting robots.
Daydream number 16/50. Is about eating meat with lower cost to the planet than factory farmed pork or beef.
Animals that are not grain fed create less methane because farts are all about sugar and those macrobiotic critters in guts having a party via sugar are the fart makers.
Grass-fed beef is leaner than corn-fed beef. Bison is leaner than cows. Deer and goats are better for the planet than bison. Most birds are lighter and easier on the planet than deer. Less water, less land used. Tho, how the animal is fed, where it lives. I'll leave the number crunching to folks actually doing the numbers.
Lately, I've been craving peanut butter cookies. Meat, often totally grosses me out. Disembodied chunks of flesh on "those" trays, wrapped in saran-wrap, often set on a little 'pad' to soak up the blood.... mmmm yummy.
I wasn't going to write out this idea at all, but some part of my brain thought it was funny to daydream about a hunting robot. It parks itself near where the birds or bunnies hang out. It opens up like a flower with a little dish of food. It lets the animals eat the food. You get a video message and tell the robot what critter you want. It would be really bad to get the neighbor's pet in the trap. You pull the trigger. The robot grabs the animal and cuts it's head off. Tipping up so the animal is in a cone and drains as the robot returns home to you with its catch.
Does the robot also gut it, protect it from pests as it treks home, skin it or boil and pluck feathers too? What a lot of work! More cookies for me, please.
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Feb. 12, 2018. #drawfool #doodle |
What is clown-paint/makeup anyways? Not what is the sticky stuff monsters are made out of, but what does it mean?
Monsters trend. Around the Bush W. era and inspired after he lost the popular vote to Al Gore, we were plagued with zombies. Bush W. would inspire wave after wave of zombies, popular en masse for twice as long as his presidency. Before W, Bill Clinton's monster problem was the werewolf. The animal side of himself that he couldn’t control only a mute part of his presidency, a benevolent monster able to work on both sides of the aisle like the dual personality of howling at the moon lycanthropy. He may be the only living president to ever balance the budget, but, Bill Clinton couldn’t stop the vampires. He made some very bad deals to get out of that pit we call government. Bush Sr. was the Vampire era, heaven only knows why he called it trickle down economics. Everybody seemed to imply it was pee, but I am afraid it was blood. The life-blood of the working class, sacrificed by Regan’s monster, a sweet-talking lying devil, a trickster whispering in his ear that he was doing ‘good’ while he shut down mental institutions and other social services. Plastic as cash was new as cassette tapes paired with the greedy interest collectors feeding off of the working class as old as stone tablets. Regan’s ‘small-business miracle’ was people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, working 70+ hours a week on their own sweat and tears without compensation. All while paying wages to other working folks against a rip-tide with a very high small-business fail rate. Bubble crunching corporate feeding frenzy, Wall Street like sharks, the big fish eating the little ones. The ‘War on Drugs’ filled prisons with incarcerated slaves and banking deregulation tossed the middle class into debt, usury slavery. The American dream drowned in record-breaking storms, several waves of monsters later during the heartache when we elected Obama. Obama’s monsters were actual men. Police shooting unarmed children. The ghost-like costumes of the KKK. The statistics of insanity in white people, from the top 1%, -to- 1 in 5 CEOs being psychopaths and depending on the study, 18 to 25% of mass shooters had a history of mental illness. Bringing us to our current evil-clown-baby. What the heck is clown paint? What is treason? Why do so many folks fear clowns? Do we laugh at clowns because they are scary? I.e. we laugh because we are frightened and we need to laugh? What are all those spooky clowns up to? The clown mocks civilized man like the Trump mocks truth, the free press, civil liberties and our constitution. It’s too soon to tell if this monster is an old man that acts like a baby or a terrible-toddler-clown trapped in an old man. What is clown paint? Really? Think about it. Where are we now? What direction do we run, and what actions do we need to take to survive this?
Carter. Yes, I am old enough to not be able to forget about him. Star Wars, E.T. to X-files. A several decade-old government conspiracy of space aliens attacked after we (my parent’s generation) scoffed at Carter when he asked people to conserve energy for our grandchildren, turn down the thermostat, wear a sweater. Trump is not the first time we have elected a celebrity to play the role of Commander in Chief. The movie star who ripped the solar panels off the White House, is slight compared to what the current reality TV star is doing to the EPA. Carter may be the history we need to learn from. He was the first president to leave office and continue work by serving people. Building homes for the poor. We have learned building habitat for humanity is a group effort. We have learned he was correct about the impending consequences of our energy dependence. Past time to clean off the clown paint of misogyny. Time for the victims to heal and for unsung heroes to put-down the monsters. Together, we the meek could rule the world, like Mothers. Kind, vigilante mothers, and fathers, big sisters, brothers and friends, the people who make a house a home and keep all the scary things away.
The apathy part? I dunno…. You go vote, not just by 'how you "feel", actually bother to read past the lies to be able to pay attention to who or whatever is on the ballot.
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