Partisan politics, killing Americans ... since? Reagan and W. Bush, actually. I could site examples, but the deaths that were a results from US States where governors reduced voting locations and refused to allow people to not wait in line for hours, to safely vote by mail in the Nov 2020 election, you can chart the death spikes in December, district by district. Isn't that enough already?
P.s. Just FYI Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. And the young cancer mortality rate (under 49) was 15% in the 90s, and in the 2000s was around 13.4%. YOUNG Americans, cancer. A death rate 100 times that of COVID19. And THIS is the moonshot partisan politics in Congress just had a pissing contest with, and the cost? ... Congress, please explain your vote to an American young cancer patient's family.
The 2nd World War had ended 1945-ish, and those who survived celebrated by having sex, giving birth to the boomer generation. And now the boomers are 80-ish. When they were young they changed history. But, the world has never gotten over World War II because it changed the trajectory of the oil age. Fossil fuels have changed the world.
For the first time since the 60s, another generation old enough to vote, finally outnumbers the boomers. But, Congress. The boomers dominate Congress. So here we are 2024.
We lucky survivors of the pandemic and the opioid crisis get to "choose" between a "Federation Admiral" (Star Trek) and a Thunderdome Old-Father, who treats women like cattle, (Mad Max).
IMO, the State of the Union, the old man did good. I heard about a lot of things that I didn't know were going on in the US.
All I heard from the "lame stream" media was the constant lies (their POV) and repetitive talking points that I personally consider brainwashing.
And now? We just have to survive the next four years, and work on replacing Congress and POTUS with younger Americans by 2028.
If the 2024 Washington State Primary is a good indicator for the Nov election for POTUS. ... There are some VERY scary and sad numbers weighing in.
Surely the silent generation will give up the ghost. Surely.
Yeah, well?
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