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I liked my ink blot paper better than my doodle today. March 11, 2018. |
Alone, with the mess of my thoughts like the compulsive scribbles of hyperlexia, filling note-book after journal, after TB (thought book) means nothing if I don't organize the expulsion in a meaningful way.
There is meaning to my madness and I do have both something to communicate and a fiction story all these daydreams fit into, but this time I'm writing the story backwards. I'm listing out all the stuff I want to fit into the story, then giving my expulsion to characters in a narrative after I've said what I needed to say.
The writing bit, about how can you mean what you say if you can't say what you mean? Amuses me because it makes me think of Hobbits and Ents arguing for some reason tho it was probably more Alice and the Mad Hatter.
Negative me: Method to your madness... my ass. And it is my ass of course. So, I should know. You have a compulsion, you started this list years ago and the reason you can't stop is because this is your OCD. Other people clean compulsively, or count things etc... you have a need to know what everything is made of and then daydream about how the things that make you sad could be better.
Me: I like the word 'so' too much.
Negative me: Ah change the subject why don't you. Go on, go ahead and tell the people who may happen to read your words here. Tell them what your daydream was this morning.
Me: It's true, I can't stop. I was thinking, just post the next one, it's popular, everything that needs saying on the subject has been said many times.
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#Drawfool doodle for March 12, 2018. |
Daydream 29/50. Drugs and illegal substance laws need to be reevaluated weighing the most current research on the physical harm to the individual health of the users and each specific substance socioeconomic damage and possible benefits to quality of life for populations.
Examples: (microdose LSD, mushrooms or other psychedelics used in PTS Post Traumatic Stress therapy and THC extracted from marijuana for nausea treatment and related pain management where pills are not a safe option.
Not to repeat the world, but there are so many voices on this one, it’s a global chaotic symphony that has been going on since the first opioid was used for pain management, who knows how many thousands of years ago.
I mean thousands of years actually and literally. So we know for a fact, just say no is not the answer that is gonna fix this one. The Reagan era ‘War on Drugs’ started way before him and I am not so unrealistic to assume our generation will solve it. But, we sure as hell could do a lot better by taking into consideration the information we have now about what treatments work and what is a miserable loss of life.
P.s. No, I'm not doing drugs. Unless you count beer or worse as relates to my mood swings sugar. I say this not to offend the prude, but to ask pardon to the intelligent addicts battling this war who would view this oversimplification as insult of a complex life-threatening issue.
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#drawfool doodle for March 13, 2018. |
30. Prison reform - the US has the highest documented* (China is not documented) incarceration rate in the world = big complicated problem.
The oppression of the wrongly incarcerated is a TV show topic. Isn’t freedom the primary founding principal of the United States? How is our broken legal system not tyranny?
One factor in a complicating this problem, mentally ill prisoners mixed with non-violent offenders because of overcrowding. A personal observation shared with me by a sheriff medical examiner who worked in the real-life team in Nevada that the original CSI TV show is based on. The mentally ill were screaming and screaming, possibly hurting themselves no one had time to care for them properly, the system certainly wasn’t able to provide doctors or medications they needed. The suffering of the mentally ill added to the population of the crowded prison was driving all the other prisoners and the guards crazy.
Direction shift, sane people who shouldn’t have been locked up in overcrowded prisons 29. Our drug laws are so far out of balance with helping our society and culture and breaking up families and destroying lives by locking up young kids who made choices because they needed a better career option is … I have no words, we should ask them.
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#drawfool doodle from March 14, 2018. |
Daydream 31/50. Electronic medical records that belong to the patient for safer more accurate and efficient healthcare.
“HIPAA,” an acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Sure sounds like we should have a medical file that is portable by 2018. But, there I am with my own .pdf if I remember to print it out. Staring at this generic check-box form on a clipboard in the waiting room, checking no, no, no, no, yes see attached. What the heck do they write/type in my medical record? Guessing by the questions, they ask and the amount I have to repeat myself it sounds like, they don't have any relevant medical information on the screen.
Okay, that's an exaggeration and what I often think, and then remind myself is that one of the reasons they ask so many questions is to make sure nothing has changed or is wrong that they need to worry about. But, that's also why I think the medical record needs to belong to the patient. The fact that I can't see it bothers me. Also, I have in the past, waiting for the doctor for too long, gotten my hands on a printout that the nurse stuck in the tray by the door, to read things typed that were opinion and not true. So, I imagine for the protection of the healthcare industry, that's why medical records seem to evaporate and we start over with a new doctor.
How much easier it would be if everything that got thrown away was a read-only digital file the patient owned.
I know digital medical records were on President Obama's list, as reminisced the sadness he felt, that some of the last hours he spent with his Mother before she died. She had expended life energy and time struggling with medical bills.
I recognize the progress made over the last few years, but turning medical records from that box of paper files and film to digital is a work-in-progress, but we sure could do a lot better. Life takes time, and lives are short and fragile. So, it's on the list as number 31/50 ways-to-save-the-world.
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#drawfool doodle for March 15, 2018. |
Daydream number 32/50. Recognise Physical Characteristic Discrimination of ourselves (like racism, misogyny, homophobia, and ageism all rolled into one).
The entire human race is judging and imprinting on people not living in our day to day lives, since photographs and tv cameras, movies, models in print catalogs and magazines gave us the means to study people in mass media all over the world.
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#drawfool doodle for March 16, 2018. |
33/50. The Right to Privacy and the Right to Publicity in the digital age.
34/50. Family medical history as preventive medicine: as recommended by US Human & Health Services - The Surgeon General's Family Health History Initiative.
Around the big family Thanksgiving get-together is a good time to have a conversation about this, if you have surviving blood relatives. If not, I'm very sorry about that. Everyone who can collect health information about their family needs to do this. If you are among the 2/3rds of Americans who don't know your own family health history, do your homework and if you don't know where to start the hhs.gov site is a good place to start. It is an Obama era site or older. I just checked to make sure the program is still on the web today 3/17/2018. Also, this info should be part of our personal digital medical file, see daydream 31 a few paragraphs up the page.
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#drawfool doodle for March 18, 2018. |
35/50. Crime preventions plus access to health care make the human race's most dreaded 'A' word a solvable problem.
I know many women dread the 'A' word as much as I assume people of color wish the 'N' word never happened. But, human history has much to wish we could forget and in our current state politics right now women's rights to pursue liberty and happiness i.e. a career and family in their own body, is a debate that should not be happening at all for several reasons. 1. Medical information like pregnancy is a privacy issue. 2. Victims of crimes also should be protected from further harm and persecution. 3. If there is a medical complication, we should mourn the loss with the family not treat the woman as if she is a criminal because this terrible life event happened to them. Not just to her, a loss of a mother or a baby is a loss for the entire family.
Dear fellow humans before you get all hot or bothered, please understand, the 'A' word isn't a chicken or the egg problem,
- - Abortion is a roster problem. - - -
If there was no more rape, incest or human trafficking, and everyone of age to be a parent both male and female was educated about how babies are made and had access to birth control then there would only be the rare life-threatening birth defects that would ever result in an abortion. Again, in these sad cases, that's private and the family should be able to peaceful mourn their loss. Already, statistics have shown that when young people are educated about sex then teen pregnancy rates drop. If we stop rapes on campus or date rapes of women, then another sector of the problem is solved preemptively.
The human race’s most dreaded ‘A’ word. Is a crime prevention plus medical health prevention (birth control) solvable problem. If our society was healthy with everyone having access to healthcare and free of crime, and those rare accidents were kept a private loss between the doctor and the family, then there should be no reason in our contemporary society for abortion to be a political issue at all.
Writing out this list, there are quite a few topics I don't want to think about, much less discuss in polite conversation. I depress myself when I ignore a rumination and let it rattle, so I keep writing in the hopes that I will work past this negative stuff, to better thoughts.
Last addition to this weekly blog post. I have been thinking the order or these daydreams should be arranged by subject into chapters.
Also, I had written a lot in the past about daydreams 32. and 33. Physical Characteristic Discrimination and The Rights to Privacy and Publicity in the digital age. But, I have been learning that when I am in art-mode, I just don't think in words. I have known the gist of this for years, since before I could talk, I think? Words are never "easy" for me. Art? I don't know. I just do it. I don't mean the doodles. I mean the mark and form language that art is made of. Some of it, the thoughts are pictographic, most of the marks are symbols and colors. I am drawing/painting/printing/sculpting a feeling. Emotions are difficult to pin down exactly with words, like memories and flavors, they move and fade. Words, clicks and squeaks and pauses. I will get back there, and finish this list, add synopses, detailed arguments, possibly other illustrations or charts in an order by chapter, later. As it is, this is a draft, draft 3 I think.
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