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#drawfool doodle for March 27, 2018. |
Talking with a marine biology college student recently reaffirmed the need for everyone worldwide to join in the conversation. We all need to discuss what we can do as individuals versus what needs to happen with corporate responsibility for the pollution, emissions and plastic garbage they produce.
Consumers have limited options, we buy what is available to buy. Corporations have shifted the burden of guilt for buying the same products, now packaged in more and more plastic to the consumer. The financial responsibility to recycle or properly dispose of product packaging needs to be directed back to the producers of that garbage. If we want them to stop bottling and shrink wrapping everything in plastic, we could ask nicely, and if they don't respond, we should start demanding laws for them to properly dispose of the waste they produce. The US needs to discuss laws like they have now in Europe and a few other less ass-backward countries where corporations are not people too.
Many have been discussing the gyres of plastic floating in every ocean on Earth. But, what is less talked about and more insidious is the plastic particles floating unseen in several layers of depth depending on the molecular weight of the type of plastic. As these layers of particles drift in the sea this plastic crap nibbled on and mistaken for nutritious food, then clogges up the insides of every living creature in the oceans because as we all know, the big fish eat the little ones.
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#drawfool doodle for March 28, 2018. |
Daydream 41 out of a list of 50 ways-to-save-the-world. Stop planned obsolescence.
The weakest link in any machine is a cheaply designed part, or component difficult or impossible to replace. Many electronics like cell phones could last for years to be upgraded or upcycled with a cracked screen replaced or a loose microphone input reconstructed.
Appliances of all types, big and small, from washing machines to mixers, toasters etc.... used to be built to last a lifetime. Seals would over time, with the old plastics get cracked and replaced. But, my grandfather's old washing machine with a hand crank wringer to squeeze out the water before hanging the wash up on the line to dry, that very old machine was still in working condition long after my grandpa was gone.
I know machines now are way more complex, but all the more reason to make them so they can be repaired or upgraded.
Recently I got rid of my Apple laptop because the adapters are so cheap. So, let me clarify, the heavy converter box seems to not be cheap but it is attached to a wire that has a plastic casing that breaks when bent too many times, like the action required to wind the wire up to fit in the pocket of your laptop case, and this plastic also melts with grime like oil from human skin. (note to self, I have taken a few photos of this, it's ugly, find those pictures).
My house has used only Mac or Linux computers since before the millennium. So, transitioning to a Windows machine felt like sacrilege, but I had purchased more than 9 adapters, and I could not in good conscience buy another Mac if it means that I was going to buy many adapters for it too. Irony is, as many Microsoft Surface Pro users know, even tho it's a black cord, not white like those many Apply adapters, this cord is also attached to a heavy box, and it too frayed and it was 25% more expensive to replace. 99 dollars instead of 75 or so. I am now on my third Surface Pro adapter.
These are good machines, but they do not work without power. Whoever designed these adapter cords is failing these corporate giants and all of us for the world's energy wasted. We have several very old laptop adapters, from a Mac Clamshell Laptop, an ancient IBM from work, and an even older Fujitsu touchscreen. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE DECADE OLD LAPTOP ADAPTERS WORK PERFECTLY!
Yeah, I went there, to all caps, with a bang. Planned obsolescence, either "unintentional" by bad design or on purpose like a cheap light bulb, makes me very angry. Life is more important than a profit margin. This is a small planet. Have some respect.
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#drawfool doodle for March 29, 2018. |
42/50. Understand the limitations of the human lifespan and live for the people who will be here after you are gone.
Think about it. You, if you are very, very lucky, will only live to be 100. Most, people will not live a century. While it is difficult, if not impossible to explain to someone under 25. Closer to 50, a person begins to look at the elderly closer. Thinking how time flows so much faster than the summers of childhood and that 70 to 90 year old could be me. If I survive for a couple more decades.
How does understanding the limitations of the human lifespan save the world? The key is truly understanding. Not, knowing how old you are by the number, but actually understanding the difference between your own personal mortality, in a way that anyone who has come close to death can understand versus the limit to a human life even if everything happens perfectly. Comprehending a lifespan versus awareness of mortality are not the same.
"Things" and hoarding, excessive greed becomes useless. Planning a life so that someone else young can use the space you left behind, becomes priceless. Ideas learned and shared, memories written down or protected for future generations to use or enjoy, like a beach or a park in nature, a garden plot, a tree planted.
Yes, if everyone understood and respected the limit to their own human lifespan, the world would be a very different place.
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#drawfool doodle for March 30, 2018. |
Daydream 43/50. Economics based on production/profit needs to become a thing of the past.
The world needs us to paradigm-shift away from profit margins and producing stuff,... towards people and culture - gross national happiness or something more attune with the-meaning-of-life.
I think 'attune' is a good word for today.
attune: /
make receptive or aware.
"a society more attuned to consumerism than ideology"
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#drawfool doodle for March 31, 2018. |
Daydream 44/50. I give up on everybody and the whole stupid world!
I’m going to just stop writing stuff and go pout and play video games for a couple years.
I am going to the pound, find a couple well behaved cute little dogs and focus all my love on them. Forget all of you alls. FU planet Earth! and all living things in general. Bring on the killer weed and cheese puffs. Virtual brain shut off here I come.
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#drawfool doodle for April 1, 2018. |
P.s. Dear Jesus, I know, you know I'm kidding.
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