January 7, 2018

2018 ready or not, we're here

Doodle for January 7, 2018.

Things that divide us. #doodle #drawfool

a thing. Jan 8,2018

Chores and errands. Jan 9, 2018. Last night I couldn't sleep because I figured out how to "save the world", today, I cleaned the kitchen and went grocery shopping. 

Jan 10, 2018. I had some ideas for titles while doodling this, but the truth is I don't like it enough to even sign it. It's just a doodle that I hope doesn't look like the Window's logo :( as I got my colors reversed. Yep, what do ya know, dyslexia is actually good for something.

Doodle for Thursday, Jan 11, 2018.

scribble "plan" for the tower of babble

Quote of no accountability "blah, blah... f***-it, we'll figure it out as we go". 

I know I’m a complete and total idiot when it comes to social networking + my rights of publicity and privacy and my personal digital biodata (face recognition, location patterns, purchase habits, etc…). 

Google must totally hate me. I imagine I’m on a list of people who, like me regularly complain about our rights versus their bottom dollar.

I try and fail over and over to rationalize why being tracked everywhere I go, and for everything I buy bothers me so much. Do I buy too much beer? Yes, I imagine I do buy way more beer than the average person. Do I really care? …. I pause and think about it for a bit.

No, my hang-up over personal biodata isn’t about drinking an embarrassing quantity of beer. 

I’ve been pondering this for a while now and I haven’t resolved a single angle of this equation. It remains this amorphous tangle. Physical characteristic discrimination as the new racism. The digital divide multiplied by the solar system scale of the income inequality gap. I should feel comfortable with the rest of the negative thousandaires. They map the world for free and we pay them by telling them where to buy the best beer. I see you are at a pub again, would you answer some questions and help our map app compete. I should just, click ‘yes’ thirteen times and drink my damn beer and shut up.
But, I can’t drink beer all the time. I wrote a fictional character who is somewhat immortal and he drinks beer all the time. But, I can’t physically do that. I don’t have the spare “change” or the extra liver.
So? I’m not going to drink beer tonight after work. I’m just going to do normal stuff, like eat a somewhat healthy dinner and maybe play some video game. Build a tower of babble for digital sheep. Whatever. Money wins, again. And the AIs will still be crawling long after I’m gone, so who gives a…. 

"Hi." Doodle for Jan 12, 2018.

Jan 13, 2018. Lately, been debating if I like the doodles I do via the very simple Google app on my Chromebook or drawing on paper with this set of ink pens I got as a gift.

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